Chris Knott

Public Sector Project Strategist


Chris has extensive experience across the Public Sector, Retail and Higher Education within IT, data, digital, insurance and asset management, creating PMO’s from scratch and running large multimillion pound portfolios. He started his career as a Political Advisor and then moved into project management and consultancy 8 years ago at Lambeth Council developing an arms-length Insurance company.


Chris has since gone onto leading and developing large scale PMO’s within Central Government at DEFRA with simple great-looking dashboards, reporting structures and managing teams of 50+ staff. This enabled projects to move at pace whilst giving confidence to key stakeholders on budgets and delivery. He was a key stakeholder in developing the Government Digital Services function at DEFRA and also developing their Central Portfolio office. 


Chris holds a BSc (Hons) from Anglia Ruskin University in Politics and Sociology.